Frequent Travellers
Time Traveller counts the days so you can make the days count. Wherever you are, and no matter where you're off to next, stay on top of your visa or passport allowances with ease.
Residents & Expats
Time Traveller helps you count days and nights in and out of any country for residency and tax purposes - whether that's the Shengen travel area, residency tests or “number of day” rules.
international students & employees
Time Traveller allows students, employees and employers to keep on top of travel limits associated with visas and applications. Plan ahead or recall past trips with a click of a button.

How it works

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About Time Traveller

features our users love
track multiple profiles
Keep track of multiple travel profiles to easily manage allowances and limits for different time periods, whether that's for a visa or tax, residency or non-residency in different countries.
Rolling day tracking
Time Traveller automatically tracks travel days on a rolling day basis, so you can easily see where you are within your limit, for multiple profiles, in real time, and with no need to manually adjust dates.
Alerts & reminders
Receive notifications when you're nearing your travel day limit for your set time period so you can avoid overstaying visits and are able to manage upcoming trips and commitments with confidence.
Complete connectivity
From adjustable language settings to multi-device login so you never miss a trip, Time Traveller supports complete connectivity, no matter where you are and what your preferences may be.
Browse previous trips
Saved trips remain in the app even if they are no longer relevant in the current rolling day period. So, can easily look back at previous trips for residency tests, visas, applications or for tax purposes.
Free to use
Travel isn't cheap, but keeping on top of it is with Time Traveller. Create and track unlimited profiles and trips with no subscription or sign-up fees - you get access to all our features for free.
Creating an account
3 Questions answered
How do I create an account?
Creating an account with Time Traveller could not be easier. Simply download the Time Traveller app on your device and enter a few details to get started. Once your details are logged you can begin creating your travel profiles.
Can I use the app across multiple devices?
Yes. Your app purchase will be covered across all your devices when using the same login details.
What if my plans change?
Time Traveller works for you at all times, so even if your plans change, you can edit your information and Time Traveller will adjust and update to give you accurate and precise information every time.
How can I monitor my travel allowance?
Time Traveller will take into account any past, present and future plans so you can check your allowance at any moment. So whether you need to extend or make changes to your trip, you'll always have at-a-glance, accurate information.
Can I set limitations?
You have full control of the limits of your Time Traveller account, and you can reset, edit, and customise these at any time
How will I know when I'm nearing my limit?
Our push notifications will alert you whenever you're nearing your travel limit and on any upcoming events too. Simply ensure you allow Time Traveller to send you notifications to receive this information.
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Ensure you're on top of tracking and updates by subscribing to Time Traveller. Enter your email address below to receive all the latest information.

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